Jan Scruggs -- The story behind The Wall

Jan Scruggs -- The story behind The Wall

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Publish Date:
April 6, 2021
Video License
Standard License
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HOSTED BY: https://musicofthevietnamwar.com


When people visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., they can see the 58,279 names on The Wall, The Three Servicemen statue, the Vietnam Women's Memorial, the In Memory plaque, and a flagpole that flies both the U.S. and the POW-MIA flag. While the memorial and names provide an obvious visual reminder, Army Veteran Jan Scruggs wants people to know the story behind the memorial. It involves a poncho, a promise, PTSD, an Academy Award-winning movie and a focus on warriors instead of a war.

Read more: (edited)


By: U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Title: Jan Scruggs -- The story behind The Wall
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7WZkyXLzdE